“For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen.”
—Romans 11:36, NASB
Jesus was with God from the beginning; He is the Word of God. He was the Word that brought forth creation (John 1). At one time, God’s people understood that not only were we invited into participating in His attribute of creating but we were empowered [or graced] to do so in order to bring heaven to earth. God’s people understood creation and creative expression was an active part of the Most High God dwelling with us. Sadly, this has been largely lost in modern Christian culture. We have either left creative expression to the secular realm or relegated God’s gifting to a part of our own identity’s need for self-expression as opposed to facilitating His indwelling identity manifested to such a degree the Kingdom of Heaven is expressed and lives are forever changed by Truth.
This is our pursuit: to see Heaven on Earth.
In Dayspring Ministry, many of us are new to facilitating “artistic expression.” We lazily left the conversation years ago by stating: “I am not a poet; I am not a painter…a dancer, a singer, a pianist.”
The perspective on the artistic/creative expression changed for many of us as we continued in greater intimacy with Jesus. As we began to “die to self” and allow Jesus to grow in us, how He was to be glorified and expressed required more. Jesus is in us and the Father is in Jesus and we are “perfected in unity” (John 17:23) so everything that is of the Father is of us by the indwelling of Jesus. We may not be poets or painters but the Heavenly Father is and so the conversation and facilitation of ALL that He is continues to be a part of our life with Jesus.
Please review the various Expressions listed below to follow the journey of several of our brothers and sisters.
as with all journeys, where we start is not where we end…
Music and worship
“Sing to the Lord, all the earth; Proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day.”
—I Chronicles 16:23
WOrds on paper
“A healing word is a tree of life…”
—Proverbs 15:4, NASB
Hand and Heart
“He has filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom and understanding, in knowledge and all manner of workmanship, to design artistic works…”
—Exodus 35:31-32